Web Host Payment System
香港網庫 收款系統
Thank you for using Web Host Service. Please fill the following information for process payment.
Domain Name 域名: / Quotation Reference No. 報價單參考編號 / Order Reference No. 訂單參考編號
First Name 名:
Last Name 姓:
Email Address 電郵地址:
Contact Number 聯絡電話:
Amount 金額: HK$
本人/公司已閱讀並同意Web Host Limited. (Web Host)之
I confirm that I have read and agree with the
Terms & Conditions
of Web Host Limited. (Web Host).
以網上付款繳付續期帳單,付款總金額超過$10000 港元需另加4%行政費,加密貨幣支付除外。
To pay by online payment, additional 4% admin fee will be charged for total invoice amount above $10000. Except for cryptocurrency payments.
Confirm 確定